John Geen

Sample Chapter

MATING INSTINCTS - Are the facts of life actually facts??

Knowledge is our defense against instincts.

Have you ever wondered why we are who we are and why we do what we do? Let us explore a sensitive and widely avoided subject. Are human mating inducements  determined solely by our Christian environment and upbringing, or, do we have more in common with those of the animal kingdoms than we think? (No, this is not an innuendos joke – read on!)

First, let me assure you that I am not a sexologist, I have no medical or social science training and I take no credit for being knowledgeable about ethology.  Neither am I a devout member of the clergy. The following is a few bits of chaff I have gathered.

In many animal domains, be they pack animals, heard animals or lone foragers, the largest, strongest and most ferocious males will fight to exhaustion or even death for the privilege to sire the next generation. The victorious male will select available recipients for his seed and the females simply submit. This contributes to strong bloodlines but raises a question – is there some latent God given instincts hidden in the dark recesses of the human brain that may influence our mating customs?

In the people world, he who sires the next generation is more-often-than-not selected by the female. It is she who bares the come-hither provocations to arouse the courtship process. Those communicative incitements are evident in her selection of clothing, make-up and deportment, however, she does retain the authority to accept or reject any suitor. Our social environment assigns the role of  courtship to the male. It is he who faces the task of convincing the female to accept his donation of spermatozoon. For him it is an earned privilege, not a rite-by-battle! (OK, I know there are exceptions!)

What influences this thrust to perpetuate the species? That answer may be hidden in the mysterious depths of the  hypothalamus region of the human brain. Is courtship and copulation a learned procedure, or a deeply embedded instinct? (Now we are entering a forbidden topic. Read on at own risk!)

When Moses wrote the Torah, (Old Testament) he created Adam and Eve and placed them in an environment having no need to reproduce. Why then did he equip Adam and Eve with the ability to do so? (Obviously Moses was a man of great foresight  in having Eve take the first bite of that apple.)

OK, I can sense wailing protests by our lady readers, and indeed there is another factor to consider. Many males are dedicated trophy hunters who skillfully respond to a lady’s wandering eye, size-up her open body postures and peek-a-boo flesh incentives, and approach. The preferred prey is youthful, attractive and a socially prominent target. The predator will lure, isolates, then persuades or forces his quarry to submit. There will seldom be concern about regrettable results. The trophy is forever on his ego achievement wall of  ‘amour propre’.

I was given no sex education in school. My parents did  not give me the birds and the bees talk. I observed anatomic structure and reproduction activities of farm animals and the birds and the beasts in the wild. They did that which they must as a result of instincts – instincts placed in their cranial cavities by the hand of God!

The question comes to mind, how much of our life is determined by social influences and how much is God imposed instinct? Let me leave you with a few thoughts on our embedded instincts and I will leave that subject alone. For those who believe there is no such thing as God-bestowed instincts, you may skip the next paragraph.

In the wake of a new birth the offspring breaths with little or no initial stimulation. That is instinct! The will and skill to suckle breast milk is instinctive, no manual necessary!  As we mature, many innate instincts come into play such as; self preservation, fear, anger, egoism, sex drive, and others we take for granted. I could go on but surely you get the message.

Adolescence is equated to puberty and the physical changes that culminate in reproductive maturity. Instincts relating to species perpetuation become stimulated, but little do they know! My question, how, when and does appropriate social sex guidance come into play in our Christian communities? Gregarious advise encouraging total abstinence of sex until marriage may well be in conflict with the God given volition to go forth and multiply (Genesis 1:28). Should our youth not be made aware of this fact? (I can hear screaming mothers crying out “no, absolutely not!”)

So, when should medically accurate and age appropriate sex education be conferred upon our youth, and by whom!

Most parents will surely say it is totally their choice and obligation. So, how inclined is a parent to administer quality social sex advise to their child upon early signs of puberty? How many will take the effort to secure sources of appropriate material for the occasion? Is it enough to advise our siblings to just say no?

Abstinence-only-until-marriage encouragement has proved ineffective, and advise on risk avoidance will only go so far. Their desire for adventure and self-confidence in avoidance skills will prevail.

Parents may not be aware of just how much their precious children already know about social sex.  May I offer this experience – a few years ago I sat at my computer and typed two well chosen words into a search engine. I was rewarded with multiple choices of very explicit and very hard porn! Children with access to the internet – – – well – – – need I say more?

Proper introduction to social sex is immensely important. More so now than at any other point in history. The question; who should teach our children facts that many parents would rather avoid, or even deny? Puberty is a natural process when, between the ages of nine and fifteen a child’s body undergoes changes triggered by hormones that effects physical and emotional transformations in both genders. Yes, it is well that this be handled timely, firmly, and accurately.

Is knowledge of species survival instincts and dealing with hormonal temptations to ever be withheld from our youth until damage has happened?

It’s real!

-John Geen

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